The Ultimate Direct Feeder
$ 32.00
By Bee Smart
SKU: 1552
- The last feeder you will ever need.
- Great for early season Spring build up.
- Perfect for Fall feeding.
- Ideal for emergency Winter feeding.
- Gives bees’ faster/easier access to syrup, directly from the nest.
- Bees feed 24 hours per day at Inner Cover hole in warmth, regardless of temperature.
- Bees have close access to syrup at Inner Cover hole, not in cold space above.
- Perfect way to feed packages, nucs, splits and swarms for success.
- User friendly; no mess, no fuss, no spills, no hassles.
- Eliminates robbing.
- Minimize bee loss; no drowning, no dead bees.
- Exclusive EZ-GRIP™ handle eliminates headaches.
- 1-Gallon capacity, self draining, structural tank.
- Fits inside Medium box; 1 in 8-frame or 1-2 in 10-frame.
- Swap/Exchange tanks out in seconds; no tools, no hassles.
- Check syrup level quickly, with translucent tank, without opening hive; just lift cover.
- Refill tank quickly and easily without disturbing bees; no mess, no open syrup.
- Bees and Hive remain undisturbed when checking and refilling.
- Doubles as a Waterer or Outside Feeder.
- Part of the Bee Smart System.