9 1/8" Pro Feeder - 3 1/4" Wide (Holds 2 Gallons) with Cap and Ladder

$ 17.69
By Pierco

SKU: 1402
    • Stronger: The wood cap system and the inside wall supports add to the unparalleled structural integrity of the feeder.
    • Revolutionary Cap & Ladder System: Sealed feeding tubes ensure the bees are confined to the feeding area so you will experience minimal drowning.
    • Easy To Clean: This is the only feeder available where the entire cap and ladder system is easily removed for cleaning.
    • No Burr Comb To Clean: Sealed feeding tubes prevent the bees from making burr comb in the feeder and keep the queen from laying brood inside.
    • Textured Interior Wall: Textured interior walls for those who wish to use the feeder without the cap and ladder system.
    • New & Improved Ladder!: We've completely redesigned the ladder using better material and adding a lip at the top and a flat bottom to hold it in place better.


    • Holds 2 gallons